Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Downsizing Technology

In 2011, my goal is to live my life through "goal" words, rather than try/fail at resolutions.  This year I am going to use GRACE and CHARITY as my goals.  I pray that God will show me more about myself and those around me through these words, although I know that it may be very hard.

I found that I do not like having cable in the house.  I am sick and tired of the mindless watching of TV.  If I am going to watch something,  I want it to be purposeful and intentional.  I can do that without cable!  I also got a bill for over $200 that I was not expecting, and that very day I took all of the equipment back to Comcast and told them that I was ready to downgrade and they could have the DVR back!

I have started to read a new book called Made to Crave by Lisa TerKurst, and it has opened my eyes to many things, that I'm not too proud of, about my unhealthy dependance on food.  We were made by God to crave Him and a full relationship with him.  I am looking forward to seeing where this leads me!  I am feeling convicted to simplify my life and provide better meals for my family, so I am going to commit to purchasing only fresh meats, veggies and fruits.  I don't want to bring the processed foods into my home... I don't want my babies to be diagnosed with diabetes early in life and I want to provide healthy choices so that my family will make good choices when they are away from me as well.  I know these are lofty goals, but I have to start somewhere!

My last bit of news is that I am about to start cooking through a new cookbook calles Veganomicon.  It looks promising and very delicious!  We'll see how my family responds.